Emergency procedures cover accidents. While there is a possibility of risk or injury to people on the ground if the drone crashes that risk is very small.
While there is a possibility of risk or injury to people on the ground if PLACE Aerial crashes that risk is very small. A take-off weight of less than 10kg adds to intrinsic safety of the platform.
In the unlikely event of the UAV crashing, you must locate it immediately as follows:
- If the UAV had contact with the ground station, look in the recorded flight log for the last recorded location of the UAV;
- If the UAV crashes while it is outside the reach of the radio connection, it can only be found by a physical search. To avoid this turn of events, the pilot and the visual observer should always keep visual contact with the UAV. By correlating the incident with the flight plan, they can make a reasonable estimate of where to look for the UAV.
An onboard buzzer (if fitted) helps you in locating the UAV if it is in an unknown location, for example if it crashed in the woods and landed upside down so that it can’t receive GNSS signals and hence can’t transmit its location.