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  2. FAQs


  • What data does PLACE collect?

    PLACE only collects high resolution, high accuracy aerial, and 360-degree street imagery.

  • Where does PLACE collect data?

    PLACE collects imagery for urban centers sub-Saharan Africa and small island states in the Caribbean and the Pacific.

  • Who owns the data PLACE collects?

    Imagery is owned by the Government of the country it is collected in. A copy is licensed to, and held in the PLACE Trust.

  • Can I see what data PLACE has collected?

    Yes, you can use our STAC Browser to see what imagery has been collected.

  • Can I access PLACE data?

    Only members can access PLACE imagery. If you would like learn more about membership get in touch with us.

  • How can I use the data?

    Imagery can be used with deep learning models to a detect multitude of features (e.g building outlines) or simply as a visual aid for mapping. Get in touch to learn more.