
Post flight, you must download all data (i.e. images, GNSS readings) from the UAV (rover) and the base station and post process readings using GNSS post processing software. Typically this is a combination of RTKLib (an open source solution) and UAV vendor utilities and comprises:

  • Computing final base station coordinates.
  • (Optional) Computing and QA GCP coordinates.
  • (Optional) Computing and QA Validation Point coordinates.
  • Computing final camera exposure coordinates.

After reviewing the results of post processing you will be able to determine whether to re-survey coordinates or re-fly images. If you have good solutions data can be uploaded to PLACE. The results of your computations must be included in your mission report.

When should you re-fly?

You should re-fly if the Post Processing Kinematic (PPK) solutions are poor i.e. all Q5 (this solution represents meter level accuracy) or in cases where aerial images have not been geo-tagged (for example when a GNSS signal not acquired or lost during flight).


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